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Maintaining our Historic Charm

Both Belhaven and Belhaven Heights are neighborhoods listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. In order to promote the general welfare through the preservation and protection of historic resources, no exterior feature of any landmark, landmark site or building or structure within a historic district including, but not limited to, walls, fences, light fixtures, steps, pavement, trees or other appurtenant features, or any aboveground utility structure or any type of outdoor advertising sign, shall be erected, altered, reconstructed, restored or rehabilitated, moved, cut or demolished within any such historic district or on any such landmark site or as to any landmark until after an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness of such work has been submitted to and approved by the commission or the city. All rehabilitation projects should adhere to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation as well as the Greater Belhaven Design Guidelines.  

Historic Preservation Commission

The Commission meets once a month, on the second Wednesday of each month at 12:00 p.m. at 200 South President Street in downtown Jackson. This is a 9-member board, each serving 3-year terms. Commissioners are appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by the City Council, and serve as unpaid volunteer municipal officials.

Applying for a COA or Compliance Agreement

1. Have your Pre-Application Meeting -Owners or potential owners of property in locally designated historic districts who are considering renovations or alterations are encouraged to contact the Historic Preservation Planner to discuss what type of permits and procedures will be required for their project. This meeting will determine whether you need to apply for a COA or a CA.

Routine maintenance on historic properties or properties within a historic district may not require review from the Historic Preservation Commission. Replacement of roofs, fascia boards, and a small amount of replacement siding with identical sizes and types of material is an example of routine maintenance. If is determined that a Certificate of Appropriateness is not warranted, the applicant should submit an online application for a Compliance Agreement (CA). Once accepted, the application will require a payment for $15.

In order to apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness or Compliance Agreement follow these steps:

2. Create an Open Gov ID here. This is the portal the city uses to process applications.

3. Navigate to the Historic Preservation Page

4. Complete the appropriate COA application

5. Once accepted, the application will require a payment for $40, plus $40 per additional 5,000 square feet. Depending on the type of work proposed, certain supporting documentation is required. This documentation include any of the following items necessary to explain and illustrate the project:

  • Photographs
  • Material Samples
  • Manufacturer’s Specifications
  • Plans, Elevations, Section Drawings
  • Related City Permits
  • Any Additional Material Needed.
  • Site Plan or Plot Plan

Compliance, Reconsideration, and Appeal Process

If an application is denied by the HPC and the applicant subsequently complies with the reasons for denial within six months after the decision is made, A COA may be granted.  An aggrieved applicant may appeal to the City Council within ten days after the HPC action. A second legal ad is run fifteen days prior to the City Council hearing.  The City Council may grant or deny the COA or remand the matter back to the HPC.

If you have any questions regarding city ordinances or historical documents please email us at

954 E. Fortification St.
Jackson, MS 39202

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Office: 601-352-8850

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