In January 2021, the Greater Belhaven Foundation granted the Belhaven Mountain Biking Trails Committee (BMBT) a memorandum of agreement on the Greater Belhaven Foundation's 38 acres of land on the east side of the neighborhood, allowing them to develop the biking trails that exist there today. Visitors can easily access the trails from the Museum Trail or Laurel Street Park. | NEWS from the trail: The BMBT Committee has been busy maintaining and improving the miles of walking and mountain biking trails located on GBF’s 58 acres bordering I-55 and the east side of our neighborhood. Recently, several more bridges have been erected in the newly cut areas of trail, which helped to traverse low-lying, wet areas, as well as provide more fun features along the trail system. Volunteers completed a work weekend in which the current 4+ miles of trail were sprayed and mowed. The final stage of trail to be cut along the hilltop portion has been begun and volunteer Peter Hammond’s pump track is nearing completion. It is an incredible showcase of earth work that was done completely by hand. Construction on a new bridge has begun to aid in traversing wet areas in the inner Belhaven Creek loop. |