Please help us continue to build on the work we have done in 2024, by joining one of our 2025 Annual Giving Circles. Donations can be done monthly, quarterly or all at once. Annual Giving support to the Greater Belhaven Foundation provides unrestricted funds to support the full range of programs provided by Greater Belhaven Foundation throughout the year. When you join a GBF Annual Giving Circle, you provide support for community events, maintenance of our infrastructure, improvements in security, beautification enhancements, preservation of our historical elements, and tools to support, attract, and retain new restaurants and businesses in our footprint, and more!

Join one of our GBF Annual Giving Circles today and support our beautiful, vibrant, historic neighborhood!

The work we do is not possible without this support. In 2024, we accomplished so much thanks to our annual giving donors. Thanks to this special group, we have been able to accomplish an incredible amount of work, including:

Belhaven Boo!
Belhaven Boo was a hit! Thank you to all our sponsors and volunteers for making it possible. A special shoutout goes to Belhaven Boo Event Chairs, Stevie Cantrell and Laura Ashely, If you see them- let them know you appreciate them!

Fall Events
Check out photos from all the fun we’ve been having this October in Greater Belhaven! None of these events would be possible without our amazing volunteers and sponsors. A big thank you to Manning McPhillips, Jason Agostinelli, Max David Marsh, Lydia West, Casey Creasey, Christy Ketchum, Rachel Misenar, Dallis Ketchum, Wood Dale, Chris Mixon, Susan Garrard, Andy Hilton, Sarah Tramel and many others for making these events a success!
GBF Fall Cleanup Day
Pumpkins in the Park
Belhaven Hills Classic
Fairy House Hunt
October Yard of the Month
1816 Laurel Street
Circa 1941, Colonial Revival
Owners: Dr. Michael and Kate Pickard 
Being a Belhaven Citizen
On November 5th, Belhavenites will have the opportunity to cast their ballot for not only a presidential candidate, but for our representative in the United States Senate and House of Representative, as well as our district’s Supreme Court Justice. Take time before November 5th to research all the candidates!
Share Your Experience with JXN Water
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) are seeking input regarding the City of Jackson’s drinking water system from members of the public. The public input is intended to inform the EPA’s oversight of the drinking water system to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act and provides clean, safe and reliable water to all customers. We encourage residents to share their experience with the improvements made by JXN Water for our neighborhood.
Specifically, the EPA would like to know:
1) What improvements to the drinking water system have you seen since November 2022?
2) What longer-term considerations do you believe EPA should consider regarding the drinking water system? What additional improvements would you like to see?
3) What communication improvements would you like to see implemented to provide you with information regarding the status of the drinking water system? For instance, how do you currently receive information about the drinking water system (such as JXNWater.com or JXN Water social media (Nextdoor, X, Facebook), EPA’s website, local news media, or word of mouth); how do you like to be notified of work occurring in your area and boil water notices; what other information would you like to know and how can that be made available?
We encourage you to answer these questions and email your comments to JacksonMSWater@epa.govby Friday, October 31, 2024.
Security in Greater Belhaven
After learning of reports of shots fired in our neighborhood this month, GBF reached out to city councilwoman, Virgi Lindsay, Jackson, Police Department captain, Wendell Watts, and Capitol Police, Lieutenant Cody Pruitt in an effort to learn more about the situation. After speaking with these individuals and neighbors about the reported incident, we learned that around 9:30 October 23rd there were three calls made to JPD and CPD reporting shots fired. Two of these calls reported the shots were fired at East River Pl. (A street located off of Fortification on the other side of I 55 bordering the Pearl River.) There was one call to Capitol Police reporting the shots were fired at 1015 Quinn St. Both JPD and CPD reported that they investigated both locations and found no evidence of injured parties or shell castings. After the report was made, Capitol Police initiated a concentrated patrol in our neighborhood throughout the evening and made a traffic stop on Quinn Street as well. After speaking with JPD and CPD about the incident Greater Belhaven Foundation also requested a concentrated patrol in our neighborhood for the following evenings. It was suggested by officers that the most helpful best practice when hearing what sounds like gunshots is to immediately call 911 or Capitol Police dispatch 601-359-3125. We had lots of neighbors who heard the shots but only one who made a report. The Greater Belhaven Foundation is currently contracting with Security Support Services, LLC to conduct a security audit of our entire footprint. This includes locating all cameras and where their footage streams to analyzing police reports, traffic data,- pedestrian and vehicular , etc.. Once we receive the findings from this audit, we will share the results and begin working with security professionals to identify the best investments we can make to address the findings. We want all neighbors to weigh in on this so please stay tuned for opportunities to provide your input!